A World Of Lies

“I am fine.”, a lie that had become her life now. The nights would witness a crying marathon while the days were marked by fake smiles. Everything seemed calm at the horizon but one dive into her inner depths and you would come across tornadoes. The cocktail of worldly setbacks was brewing day and night inside her, waiting for that one moment, one chance to overflow from her vessel.

An inner tordano

From breaking trust to fake friends, she sailed through it all with a blank, distant expression. As if nothing really touched her. She was braving these life lessons without an ounce of stress showing on her face. Only her pillow had measured her indifference by weighing the numerous tears shed once the lights were out.

Also read : A Bold Decision

Crying through the night and concealing the hurt behind the cheerfully sad smile, she had mastered this trick. Nobody got a hint that her insides were breaking, how would they guess when she smiled and laughed all day long. A good actor she was or people had closed their eyes to her sadness. Whatever it was, the truth of her painful life lay hidden till that fateful day.

The dawn was calm and beautiful, just a normal day it seemed. A loud shriek broke the silence and then everything was back to the silent mode. Everyone went about their business and nobody realized a soul lay silent in this world of lies, forever!

Contact: Live Your Dreams 247

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Sasha says:

    Such a good post Yamini!Thanks for the follow!Glad to meet you,your writings are amazing! Looking forward to read more of your posts!


    1. Yamini says:

      Thank you so much Sasha 🙂 Your blog is also great…keep posting!


    1. Yamini says:

      Thank you 😊


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